• Our experts understand your industry and requirements.
  • Our global network ensures we are there wherever and whenever you need us.
  • We have the expertise and the tools to provide optimum advice and support.
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Your benefits

Universal platform
We provide support for all controllers in all performance classes as well as the entire range of drive electronics

Comprehensive functionality
Thanks to the integration of a wide range of motion control functions

Simple configuration
Graphical tools are provided for configuration and diagnostics

Efficient engineering
Many functions can be implemented after simple configuration

Application Configurator for CCUs Controller for control cabinet installations Controller hardware for decentralized installations MOVITOOLS® engineering software

Efficient engineering solutions with our MultiMotion motion control platform

The drive solutions used in machines can be very diverse. Functionality can range from basic speed specification, positioning, and synchronized movement of axes with electronic cams, right through to robotics, where multiple axes are required to follow a precisely defined spherical curve.

The range of drives and drive electronics that are used in these applications is equally diverse. The MultiMotion motion control platform helps users to handle this diversity and quickly achieve their goal thanks to an efficient engineering solution.

The MultiMotion platform focuses on the following:

  • As much configuration as possible – complicated programming of complex technology functions is no longer necessary
  • As much programming as necessary – flexibility for any customizations needed, with possibility of extensions
  • Support via graphical tools – guided configuration of standard functions, user-friendly diagnostics
  • Standardized interfaces – access from the application program via a standardized interface

When it comes to creating customized solutions, the MultiMotion motion control platform provides maximum support. Many motion control functions can be accessed directly thanks to graphical configuration, which means you don't waste valuable time on tedious programming. You can still design your application program according to your own requirements and access drive functions via a standardized interface. You can also extend your MultiMotion motion control platform by adding individual technology modules and benefit from the additional functionality provided.

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Freely programmed applications

  • For MOVI-PLC® advanced and MOVI-PLC® power as of technology level T2
  • Supports up to 64 axes
  • Single axis functions: Positioning, referencing, speed specification, and tracking
  • Touch probe function
  • Processing of distance encoders
  • Technology functions: Synchronous operation, electronic cam functions, and interpolation with different engagement and disengagement mechanisms
  • Cam switch for up to 8 cam tracks

Increased flexibility

  • For MOVI-PLC® standard, MOVI-PLC® advanced and MOVI-PLC® power as of technology level T0
  • Supports up to 64 axes
  • Single axis functions: Positioning, referencing, speed specification, and tracking
  • Touch probe function
  • Processing of distance encoders

Configure and customize with ease



  • Effortless configuration of entire motion paths for handling applications
  • Ability to extend and modify the fieldbus interface according to your needs: you can control the technology module directly, or via signals in your MOVI-PLC® program
  • All sensors and actuators used for motion control can be connected to our MOVI-PLC®

Special paths can be programmed easily


  • If your functional requirements go beyond those met by the HandlingKinematics technology module, opt for the Kinematics technology module which offers maximum functionality.


  • Maximum flexibility thanks to the ability to access all motion parameters for each motion sequence
  • Handling and processing of moved objects
  • Synchronization of multiple robots, synchronization with conveyor belts, CAM profiles, etc.

Supports sustained energy-efficient operation of high-bay warehouses


  • Supports the energy-efficient operation of high-bay warehouses


  • Energy-efficient coordination of vertical lifting and horizontal travel axes
  • Support for one or two vertical lifting drives
  • Slackness detection, buffer storage, optional recovery

Wind and unwind material at a constant tension or line speed


  • Designed for applications that require the winding or unwinding of material based on a constant tension or line speed
  • Different winding technologies for different materials and machine situations


  • Tension determined by winder via torque control, tension control, and jockey position adjustment
  • Speed determined by winder with optional speed control